Appendix G
Sample COVID-19 Risk Assessment for hirers of Village and Community Halls – Feb 2022
This sample document can be used as a guide to help your hirers produce their own COVID-19 risk assessment for use of your hall. Please be prepared to help them complete it in the light of your own premises. It is intended as a supplement to a group’s ordinary Risk Assessment.
Area of Risk | Risk identified | Actions to take to mitigate risk | Notes |
People attend hall who are vulnerable to Covid for medical reasons (eg immune-suppression) and/or non -vaccination.
Those attending the hall may pass it on to relatives or friends in this category.
Vulnerable people may be in the hiring group or in the next hiring group using the hall.
Caution among people who need activities owing to being isolated and need comfort they will be operated in a safe manner. |
Make clear to group that they should not attend if they suspect they may have Covid, or had it within the last 6 days.
Invite those attending to let you know if they are vulnerable so you can make arrangements to keep them safe from Covid.
See below. |
Cleanliness of hall and equipment after your hire and other hires | Frequently used surfaces were not cleaned by previous hirer or hall cleaner. Hirer leaves hall without cleaning frequently used surfaces/tables etc. | Group to check when hall is cleaned. Clean regularly used surfaces before, during and after hire e.g. tables, sinks, door and toilet handles. | Suggest continue to bring your own equipment |
Managing Social distancing for people attending who may be vulnerable.
People who attend mingle with other individuals, causing concern.
Risk of virus spread to those attending whole activity, instead of a small group. |
Ask participants to wear face coverings with vulnerable people and in confined areas.
Advise all attending to observe social distancing as far as possible with anyone they do not have regular contact with. Adopt layout advised. Limit numbers using toilets at same time.
Allow older people time to use toilets without others present.
Avoid loud music/raised voices. For dancing or a crowded activity consider asking participants to take a lateral flow test that day. |
Respiratory hygiene | Transmission to or from other members of group. | Catch It, Bin It, Kill It. Provide tissues.
Remember tissues and hand sanitiser and to empty bins at end of hire.
Hand cleanliness | Transmission to other members of group and premises | Advise group to use sanitiser on entering and exiting the hall, to wash or sanitise hands regularly. | |
Someone attending has COVID-19 symptoms
Transmission to other members of group and premises | Follow hall instructions. Move person to safe area or ask them to go home, obtain contacts of those attending, inform cleaner. |